Saturday, July 25, 2009


homework kills trees co. brings you the following transmission:
won't someone help the world breathe?!?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


homework kills trees co. brings you the following transmission:
We are making good progress in sales


homework kills trees co. brings you the following transmission:
We now have new heros, new longer comics, almost the same prices, and were only joking a little bit


im very bored what should i do at home alone?


good morning everyone!

Monday, July 20, 2009

I am so tired.


still no one listens to me. I'm alone enough as it is, every one!


There is always a want for exclamation when something big happens, like when a airliner crashes or a guy that you know dies or ends up in a hospital, and there always is one but if we know what is concealing we will have a better chance to get around it and find out why so we might be able to stop it.



I wish I could go to camp this week. (Archery camp and silver tree were full). Oh well, I am going sleep-away camp next week with a friend.